Heller Bart Simpson
Let's face it; if this was my kid I'd have to kill the little bastard. Oh sure, as a cartoon character his crazy antics get a smile out of me every time, but if he was a real boy Gepetto?! Perhaps not so amusing...

Like his dad, this is from a Heller kit built pretty much straight out of the box. Paint is Xtracolour Simpsons Yellow (it seemed appropriate for some reason) and Western Pacific Thrifty Blue. Humbrol for the rest. Carefully matched to FS Standard colours for accuracy of course.

It's a pity Heller didn't produce more Simpsons characters as they're pretty decent kits. I would have loved a Krusty to go with these two, though I don't think it would be too difficult to convert Homer into everyone's favourite green haired clown....
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